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5 Responses to herobrine

  1. Alex says:

    I like it Nathaniel!!!
    You did a good job on full stops!!!

  2. nathaniel says:

    I like it

  3. Jessica says:

    Very good and fun I like it when you put all of the exiting thing in capitals !

  4. Tom says:

    Great Wow words! When’s your next story?

  5. 100wc6 says:

    This is a great use of the prompt words Nathaniel. You have done well to include them all.
    Your short sentences make me want to read on and I am certainly curious about those white eyes Steve saw when he investigated the pipes. Was it Herobrine???
    You might like to read your work aloud before you publish Nathaniel. If you do you will hear where all your full stops should go.
    Keep up this super writing.
    New Plymouth
    New Zealand

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